عن المدونة

الخميس، 24 سبتمبر 2020

OnePlus imei repair solution (without downgrade without unlock bootloder without root) all android all security supported

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



طريقه اصلاح ايمي اجهزة  OnePlus


OnePlus 5  

OnePlus 5T   

OnePlus 6 

OnePlus 6T  

OnePlus 7 

OnePlus 7T PRO

One Plus 7T 

One Plus 8 

OnePlus 8 Pro 


الطريقه كالاتي

1: First Install both Apk
2: Goto dilar menu put code *#801#
3: Turn on diag mode and install drivers
4: Open Umt  Ultimate Multi Tool - GSM
5: Goto oneplus tab
6: In models tab slect last model of oneplus
7: Choose correct  diagnostic port
8: Put new imei
9: Press read info
10: Write imei

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